Audevard - Cataplasme à usage multiples Animalintex x10
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We remain open all weekend to stay close to you. From Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5:30 PM, our team is at your disposal to assist you throughout your experience with OHLALA.
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You can reach us via the chat on the site located at the bottom right, by email, or by phone.
Need help?
Visit our help center where we have compiled your most frequently asked questions as best as we can.
Dorine and Margaux are always here.
We remain open all weekend to stay close to you. From Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 5:30 PM, our team is at your disposal to assist you throughout your experience with OHLALA.
Contact us?
You can reach us via the chat on the site located at the bottom right, by email, or by phone.
Choose options
- Cataplasme utilisable sec, à froid ou à chaud
- Utilisation à sec recommandée pour les plaies suintantes
- Utilisation à froid pour la vasoconstriction et l'apaisement de la douleur
- Utilisation à chaud pour la vasodilatation et une meilleure cicatrisation
- Pansement à usages multiples en trois couches
- Voile non tissé pour préserver le bourgeon cicatriciel
- Coton de qualité supérieure avec gel drainant
- Face externe en polyéthylène pour la protection et la température du cataplasme
Nettoyer la peau avant la pose du cataplasme. Couper ANIMALINTEX à la taille désirée. ANIMALINTEX se place avec le film plastique transparent vers l’extérieur (voile non tissé au contact du cheval). Maintenir ANIMALINTEX avec la bande cohésive X-WRAP. S’assurer que le cataplasme est bien couvert par la bande.
En pansement sec :ANIMALINTEX s’applique directement sur la peau.
En cataplasme froid : Placer ANIMALINTEX dans un récipient propre, face plastique vers le haut. Verser de l’eau froide (sérum physiologique ou eau préalablement bouillie puis refroidie). Lorsque le cataplasme est saturé, retirer doucement ANIMALINTEX et laisser s’écouler le liquide excédentaire (le cataplasme doit être humide, mais pas gorgé d’eau). Mouler le cataplasme autour du corps du cheval.
En cataplasme chaud : Suivre la méthode indiquée ci-dessus avec de l’eau tiède (38°C environ). S’utilise aussi dans les bandages trois couches (Pansement ANIMALINTEX, rembourrage coton GAMGEE, bande cohésive X-WRAP).
The Laboratory Audevard, founded over 35 years ago, is a world-renowned equestrian brand. Specializing in the health and well-being of horses, it is known for its high-quality, innovative, and effective veterinary products. The scientific formulas developed by Audevard are approved by experts and meet the specific needs of horses, whether it concerns nutrition, digestive health, mobility, or athletic performance. The brand is recognized for its rigor and commitment to equine well-being, which has earned the trust of horse owners, veterinarians, and equestrian professionals around the world.
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Delivery 🚀
At the house of OHLALA, We love efficiency. 😉 By trusting us, we must surround ourselves of the best! Who better than your factor to give you your package? This is why we work exclusively with Colissimo in France and its equivalence abroad.
We try to keep an eye on your packages. 🧐 In the event of a delay, we are alerted and take the lead from our carrier. However, in the event of a question, worries or simple desire to share love, Margaux & Dorine are always there for you, at Hello@ 🧡
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