With its 100% natural formula, which nourishes the hoof and protects it from moisture effortlessly, the hoof oil Kevin Bacon's appears to be the perfect option for the feet of your protégés.
Could hoof oil be the ultimate alternative for riders in search of an unbeatable remedy against dry hooves, increasingly reluctant to the idea of applying multiple ointments with questionable compositions? It must be said that it has many advantages: first, it is easy to apply on the hoof; second, it is suitable for all bedding and does not catch shavings and straw on your favorite horse's feet.
The oil Kevin Bacon's is made up of three main components, on one side a base of laurel leaves, and on the other a concentrate of vitamins and vegetable oils. Its concentration of moisturizing agents is much higher than that of a classic ointment, so the oil is applied generously: no risk of overdose.
Usage Recommendations
Healthy hoof maintenance: 3 applications per week
On competition day: 1 application (for beauty and aesthetics)
In dry weather: 4 to 5 applications per week
Hooves too dry: rinse the hoof, wipe it, then apply the product. Repeat this operation every day for eight days.